Feathered Friends Hummingbird Sleeping Bag: No Spooning Necessary
The Hummingbird’s size and weight are that of a light, minimalist bag (I’ve eaten burritos that were bigger). However, the conservative twenty-degree temperature rating, overstuffed fill and moisture-repelling exterior compels me use it on more occasions than just alpine sufferfests.
Thea Blodgett-Gallahan and Disco Death March
“When are we going to have two #6 camalots out here again?”
Nautical Series: Skip Novak
“I still view my first Whitbred Round The World race in 1977 as my most memorable sailing achievement. I was going out into the unknown. We were out of touch the whole time. Radios didn’t work and we had no GPS; I was navigating with a sexton. I just disappeared after the start, and arrived…
Nautical Series: Greg Landreth and Keri Pashuk
“[T]here is a lot of common ground (between sailing and climbing)… When you’re climbing, the general rhythm is that you have an anchor, a rest and then you scurry to the next spot to put your anchor in. And do it all over again. With sailing, you just stretch out the time scale by some…
Nautical Series: Bob Shepton
In 2010, Scottish skipper/ex-priest Bob Shepton “lured” Belgians Nicolas Favresse, Olivier Favresse, Sean Villanueva and American Ben Ditto to the coast of Greenland with photos of a virgin wall, whose location he refused to disclose until they hired him to take them there. The climbers put up several new big-wall routes, using Shepton’s sailboat–Dodo’s Delight–as…
Scarpa Gecko Guide: Lizard-Like Traction
A finely crafted approach shoe should handle the approach and descent, sure. But it should also allow you to step into 5.fun terrain without hesitation. Rarely, if ever, does a shoe do both well. Climbers and footwear manufacturers, take note. I found it.
Serkhe Khollu, Bolivia: A New Line on Crutches
A rope length away from the summit of Ala Izquierda in Bolivia, Isabel Suppe was pulled from her perch on the summit ridge and tumbled 400m. She and her partner spent the following two nights in the open, trying to crawl back to camp. Her partner died of hypothermia during the second night, and she…
Montbell Super Spiral Down Sleeping Bag: Luxury in Orange
This bag is pure luxury, but if you’re into the whole ultra-light minimalist scene, you’ll probably be disappointed.
Before and After
Two videos show how a day in the life of Renan Ozturk changed (and didn’t change) after a near-fatal accident.
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