Two potential lines of ascent scouted by Stuart McAleese, Mark Thomas and Mike “Twid” Turner prior to their 2010 Baffin Island expedition. Their website, baffinbigwalls.com, suggests the team summited the line on the left on May 24. Great Sail Peak lies just out of view to the right. [Photo] Mike “Twid” Turner / baffinbigwalls.com
News Flash: The following news flash is a preliminary report posted as a service to our readers. Alpinist has not confirmed the veracity of its contents but will post a story in detail when more information becomes available.–Ed.
Stuart McAleese, Mark Thomas and Mike “Twid” Turner have climbed a new big-wall route in the Stewart Valley of Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada. In a satellite phone call, the team said they had reached the summit of the undisclosed peak at 4 p.m. on May 24 and descended to the base of the wall, which they reached 12 hours later. They added: “We ran out of food and fuel while we were near the top but decided to keep on going… This is the most difficult, but rewarding climb any of us have ever done, and my word, are we looking forward to a few beers!”
Please visit baffinbigwalls.com for more on this story.