Off Belay: Creating Tomorrow’s Superclimbers
Matt Samet offers six “helpful” tips for training your infant to be the next superclimber of the future. With cartoons by Tami Knight.
Matt Samet offers six “helpful” tips for training your infant to be the next superclimber of the future. With cartoons by Tami Knight.
Even in 1960, with the rudimentary gear of the era, the first fifty feet of Kat Pinnacle’s unclimbed Southwest Corner seemed manageable: an overhanging crack that could be nailed in an exhausting, but relatively ordinary way. Above the first section, however, reared a thirty-five-foot, dead-vertical hairline seam. Yvon Chouinard stalled, searching for a placement.
If you’ve spent time at Joshua Tree, you likely met (or stayed with) the “Mayor of Joshua Tree,” Todd Gordon. Cameron Burns profiles this generous teacher, family man and avid first ascensionist.
1953, Zanskar Himalaya: A small shadow of a woman moves slowly over a drape of white. The summit cone of Nun glows, no longer distant, its 7135-meter apex still untouched. Panes of ice lie scattered like thin glass, across drifts so soft and deep that French alpinist Claude Kogan can find nothing secure for her crampons to hold.