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Joe Iurato’s Little Climbers

I’m trying to think of the best way to explain it. I got laid off in 2008 and fell back on my art pretty hard. It picked me up. In a sense I found myself falling out of climbing and I couldn’t figure out why. Maybe it was because of everything that had gone on.

Petzl Quark: Alpine Transformer

It’s the modular components that really make the new Quarks stand out:
I’ll start at the spike. If climbing more snow than ice, simply use a hex wrench (provided) to remove the bottom grip rest. This allows for a great plunging experience from a technical tool.

The GriGri2: Another Step In The Right Direction

It was 1994 and I was headed to the Valley. I’d saved up for an extended climbing trip and I would return to Salt Lake City with a donut for an account balance. A couple big-ticket items would put a dent in that savings right from the start. One was a portaledge. The other was a GriGri.

North Pillar Sit Start – Viva Patagonia

I’d just completed the hardest climb of my life, one of the longest in the history of the range. Laid out at our feet, the spires and seracs emerged in stark shapes of light and dark. I sat down, and the view below disappeared. Glaciers, ridges, cracks and even summits– none of them were what I traveled to Patagonia to find. I came here to begin to lead my life intentionally, not to drift anymore, but to choose my own path. Now, I was starting to see the way. — Cheyne Lemp, Alpinist 39