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Mountain Standards

Metolius FS Mini Carabiner: Size Matters

Does size matter? This question, historically the domain of trashy women’s magazines, is now relevant to the ever-evolving climbing gear industry–in particular, rapidly shrinking carabiners. The Metolius FS Mini wiregate now stands as the smallest full-strength carabiner on the market, but how small is too small?

La Sportiva TC Pro: Trad Machines

The TC Pros are comfortable, offer great protection while jamming and edge powerfully. However, because these shoes lack the sensitivity and aggressive shape of a sport-climbing shoe, face-climbing bolt clippers might not be impressed.

Black Diamond Oz Carabiner: So Hot Right Now

in the alpine, or other situations where weight is a critical component, the Oz is a pretty hot piece of work. While there are other great lightweight ‘biners on the market, the weight and quality of the Oz make it an outstanding piece of gear worthy of the Alpinist Mountain Standards medal.