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North Face of Cerro Torre Gets First Integral Ascent

Between February 2 and 3, Colin Haley and Marc-Andre Leclerc–despite a constant barrage of falling ice, which bloodied Leclerc’s knuckles–completed the first integral ascent of Cerro Torre’s north face. Haley notes their route’s six new pitches “are mostly covered in rime ice about 90 percent of the year, and under those conditions would be extremely slow and difficult [to climb].” Read the article by Chris Kalman here: [Photo] Colin Haley

Completing the Puzzle: New Facts About the Claimed Ascent of Cerro Torre in 1959

Rolando Garibotti, with help from Kelly Cordes, uncovers new evidence about where Cesare Maestri and Toni Egger were during Maestri’s claimed ascent of Cerro Torre in 1959. “Maestri’s photo of Toni Egger was in fact taken on the west face of Perfil de Indio, a small tower north of the Col Standhardt, between Agujas Standhardt and Aguja Bifida, on the west side of the massif, the opposite side that they claim to have been climbing on,” writes Garibotti. Read Garibotti’s story here: [Photo] Rolando Garibotti

Colin Haley and Marc-Andre Leclerc Make First Ascent of La Travesia del Oso Buda (aka the “Reverse Torre Traverse”) in Patagonia

From January 18 through 22, Colin Haley and Marc-André Leclerc made the first ascent of what had been dubbed the “Reverse Torre Traverse,” a south-to-north enchainment of Cerro Torre, Torre Egger, Punta Herron and Aguja Standhardt in Argentine Patagonia. They called their route, first attempted by Bjørn-Eivind Årtun and Chad Kellogg in early 2012—and which Haley had also attempted that same year with Jon Walsh only to be stormed off—La Travesía del Oso Buda.