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Ryan Minton

C.A.M.P. Carbon Fiber Avalanche Probe: Featherweight

Though marketed for “competitive ski mountaineering,” and complying with the minimum requirements of the International Ski Mountaineering Federation, I have a feeling that its featherweight design will attract more than lycra-clad rando racers. Who wouldn’t want to shave a few more ounces from their packs?

Hidden Luxuries of Nanga Parbat?

A recent perusal of Mark Twight’s self aggrandizing (not to mention downright brilliant) “Kiss or Kill” brought me to the following passage, in which Twight references partner Barry Blanchard’s out of body experience on the mountain: “I assumed it was a benign hypoxic hallucination, remembering a story in which Ed Webster saw a taco truck pull up next to him on the South Summit.”