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50 Peaks in (Slightly Under) 50 Days

Sounds easy with elevations like Florida’s 345′ and Louisiana’s 535′, but when you factor in Rainier, Elbert, Whitney, and Denali’s staggering 20,320′, the task starts to look daunting at best.

Nanga Parbat: Part I

Meet the members of the Shared Summits expedition to Nanga Parbat, hear their thoughts on the climb ahead and follow them on the first part of their journey into the Himalayas.

Scarpa Spectro: Sticks to Steep

I’ve found generally that what bouldering lacks in height, it makes up for in difficulty. Big-Nosed Millie (V9) at Hueco Tanks–a short, powerful, pocketed roof problem–is a classic example: a dirt-burgling lowball that will cramp your abdominals and snap your tendons. Although the aesthetics of this climb are far from world class, it was a perfect venue to test the aggressively downturned Scarpa Spectro climbing shoes.