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John Price: Canadian Rockies Ice

Photographer John Price has been climbing for the past six years and shooting photos for the past three.”I’ve been lucky to have photographic mentors in the Rockies,” he tells us.

Sarah Uhl–Rear View Mountains

“I’m self-taught, my friend” says illustrator Sarah Uhl over heavy static from the road on her way back to Carbondale, Colo. from Hood River, Ore. “I started making illustrations about a year ago.” Her work has appeared in the latest issue of Alpinist, various projects for The American Alpine Club, Mountain Flyer Magazine and on semi-rad’s tees.

Interview with Reinhold Messner

Alpinist’s Digital Editor Chris Van Leuven sits down with legendary alpinist Reinhold Messner on February 2, 2015, to talk about rock climbing, high-altitude climbing, Messner’s castle and mountaineering museum, and his well-known climbing partner Peter Habeler.

North Face of Cerro Torre Gets First Integral Ascent

Between February 2 and 3, Colin Haley and Marc-Andre Leclerc–despite a constant barrage of falling ice, which bloodied Leclerc’s knuckles–completed the first integral ascent of Cerro Torre’s north face. Haley notes their route’s six new pitches “are mostly covered in rime ice about 90 percent of the year, and under those conditions would be extremely slow and difficult [to climb].” Read the article by Chris Kalman here: [Photo] Colin Haley

Kahtoola MICROspikes: Instant Traction Control

Mary Williams considers climbing approaches and descents at Rocky Mountain National Park a necessary evil. For improved traction, she wears micro spikes to cross icy terrain. “I have used [them] with light hiking boots, my ice-climbing boots, running shoes, and even a few times over my ski boots,” she writes.