Chess. Bridge. Tug of war. Climbing?
If this is climbing in the limelight, sign me up–i don’t think it could get any more humorous.
South Georgia: A Photo Essay
Follow French alpinists through poor weather, unexpected obstacles, rough seas and defensive sea lion colonies on their crossing of South Georgia in the southern Atlantic.
CiloGear Dyneema(R) 45 Pack: Lighten Your Load
Winter mountaineering: some people love it. But rarely do I picture the clear summit days with perfect cramponing and one-swing ice. Instead I think of the long and cold nights, my sleeping bag stuffed with everything I don’t want to freeze. I consider days at a stretch in the tent, arguing over a magazine before tearing it in half, broken only by endless sessions of postholing. With these grudges in mind, I’ve been known to obsess over weight (hence the magazine instead of a book). When I received the new CiloGear Dyneema(R) 45 mountaineering pack to test, I knew immediately that it would lighten my load.
Exclusive: Working It
Cedar Wright works Half Shark Alligator, Half Man (5.13R)–a new-age Indian Creek climb that embodies the further potential of the iconic area. An Alpinist TV exclusive.
New Resource for Avoiding Epics
I wanted to share a new website that tells you what the weather is like in popular US climbing areas called…