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Bozeman Ice Fest Writing Contest

Does the sound of crunching leaves underfoot and a biting frost on your morning run have you itchin’ to break out the pointy hardware and sniff out some vertical ice? Nostalgic for your first time swinging a tool? Eager to enjoy some meditation time on your front points? Tell us about it.

Joe Iurato’s Little Climbers

I’m trying to think of the best way to explain it. I got laid off in 2008 and fell back on my art pretty hard. It picked me up. In a sense I found myself falling out of climbing and I couldn’t figure out why. Maybe it was because of everything that had gone on.

Petzl Quark: Alpine Transformer

It’s the modular components that really make the new Quarks stand out:
I’ll start at the spike. If climbing more snow than ice, simply use a hex wrench (provided) to remove the bottom grip rest. This allows for a great plunging experience from a technical tool.